Saturday, November 28, 2009

Getting a Good Mortgage Lead on the Internet

Sometimes, mortgage brokers often fall into prey on mortgage leads that could only waste their time, effort and money in trying to work it out. Some mortgage leads could be filled with data that is inaccurate, incomplete and not completely true. Some leads could not also be new or fresh and could have been handed out already to other mortgage brokers.- the name of the applicant
- the co-applicant's name
- street address
- city
- state
- Zip code
- E-mail address
- Work phone
- Home phone
- Type of house
- Current value
- Purchase price
- Year purchased
- First mortgage balance
- Interest rate
- Type of Loan: Fixed or Adjustable
- Second Mortgage Balance
- Second Interest Rate
- Type of Second Loan: Fixed or Adjustable
- Monthly Payment on Second Mortgage
- Behind on Payments
- Number of Late Payments
- Credit Rating
- Employer
- Years There
- Income
- Monthly Debt
- Loan Type
- Ln Amount/Cashout Desired
- Call time
- Comments and Questions