Saturday, November 28, 2009

Mortgage Approval.

What is important to lenders? Not every applicant is approved for a home loans the first time he or she applies. For a variety of reasons, even after a lot of hard work, sometimes a loan just can't be approved. It may have to do with the applicant's credit or savings history, employment stability, debt structure, or the value of the home.

The good news is that a denial is merely a detour, not a roadblock. Purchasing a home takes planning, discipline and hard work! Follow these tips and with our assistance, homeownership is not out of reach.

Before applying for a home loan establish a constent record of paying bills on time.

Before making a loan the size of a home loans, most lenders will want to review how you have handled your credit in the past. This includes all credit accounts, including utilities, revolving debt (credit cards, etc.), and installment debt (car loans, student loans, etc.). It is critical for you to bring all overdue bills up to date immediately and begin paying them on time in a consistent manner.

Frequent employment changes are normal.

Lenders are more likely to look favorably on an applicant who has been in the same (or similar) line of work for generally two or more years. If you have been working steadily for less than two or more years, expect the lender to ask why. There are many acceptable reasons, including: