A home mortgage loan can have a staggering, and sobering effect on the first time home buyer.
Not only will your monthly mortgage payments probably be the largest bill that you face each month, but the total amount of debt realized with a home mortgage loan can have a staggering, and sobering effect on the first time home buyer.I can remember the months leading up to my decision to fill out a mortgage application. I had nightmares about loosing my job, not being able to keep up with my payments and finding myself homeless. And those were on the good nights when I was able to sleep at all!
Committing to a Home Mortgage Doesn't Have To Cost You Your sleep Get the Best Rate on Your Home Mortgage Loan. Home mortgage interest rates hit record lows in 2004 and have remained at record lows as we go through 2005. It is possible today to get a thirty-year fixed rate home mortgage loan for under five percent, and an adjustable rate mortgage can be found for under four percent if you look hard enough!